Legalizing Homosexual marriages A Survey report


Legalizing Homosexual marriages
A Survey report
Samvardhinee Nyas

An all India trust working in the area of women health, education, empowerment and security related issues.
Recently it has conducted a
Doctors survey
on the topic ” Legalizing Homosexual Marriage The focus group to this survey are Doctors .
A questionnaire comprising of eight questions focuses on following points like pathy of treatment ,years of practice, health issues in homosexual marriage and impact of Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) in such relations, upbringing off springs in such cases, legal aspect, intervention of supreme court in such issues etc.
Across nation doctors following various pathy of treatment responded to the survey. Over all
318 responses are collected across India covering practitioners from eight different pathies of treatment from modern science to Ayurveda etc. The Doctors practicing for 5yrs to 30yrs and above participated in survey .

1. (60.69 %) doctors stated homo sexuality to be a disorder, while (28.93%) has not consented for the same,10.38 % could not record their opinion.
2. (67.61 %) doctors feel that homosexual जparents cannot up bring the off springs properly while (19.18%) did not support this and felt that chomosexual parents can bring their children well, (13.21 % ) were not sure on this.
3. (84.27%) doctors straight way denied to give status of marriage to such relations and (15.40%) agreed to the legalize the relations and 0.33 % kept mum .

4. (23.58%) doctors in survey has confirmed that they have treated such patients and now their life is just like normal people, however 243 (76.41 %) did not come across such cases.

5. (57.23 %)doctors feel that supreme court should not intervene in such cases, (42.76%) showed inclination for legal intervention.

6. (83%) doctors have confirmed transmission of sexual disease in homosexual relations however (14%) doctors denied for such disease transmission.

Conclusion ~

1. From the survey it is observed that decision to legalize such marriages may promote more disorder in the society rather than curing patient and bring them to normalcy .
2. Such relations may increase Sexually transmitted diseases leading entire society to threat.
3. Counseling is the better option to cure patient of such psychological disorder.

4. Even women security may be at stake. Public opinion may be sought before taking any decision.
5. Intervention of supreme court to legalize such marriage may challenge Hindu marriage act.

Samwardhini Nyas do not support the decision on legalizing such marriages.

Madhuri Marathe
Organizing Secretary Samvardhinee Nyas


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